en English

Members of AmCham Young Leaders Club had lunch with Maria Anselmi, General Manager of Bisnode Southern Markets. As Empower Lunch is dedicated to tackling some of the existing business challenges the participants might have, Maria was asked a variety of questions covering the start-up phase of a business up to a successful sales of a product and setting up the group KPI's.

Alongside she even received some of the tips of how to address her own present challenges.

»I never had any problems with the local language. My only motivation was to do good and transparent business, » said Maria when we asked her if the local language was a barrier when she came to Slovenia 15 years ago.

Business and personal challenges can be hard to tackle on your own. But when you have an opportunity to share them with a group of motivated and creative young leaders and an inspiring mentor such as Maria, these problems transform into playground of solutions and possibilities. It was great to see all the practical and concrete solutions we came up with.

Petra Novak, Competo

This kind of socializing is an ideal "platform" for the exchange of business practices, evaluation of ideas and sharing of the tips. Exchanging opinions and experiences with colleagues who face similar situations and challenges and to draw from the rich experiences of the guest is priceless. At lunch, we highlighted specific business challenges we are currently experiencing and tried to find solutions together with the guest – comments to challenges from someone so experienced is a privilege, which I hope I will be able to enjoy in the future as well.

Damjana Pangerčič, Aerosol