Members of the Amcham Young Leaders Club are helping the IRIS Center for Education, Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Counselling for the Blind and Partially Sighted. A presentation of the project is available here.
After some meetings with members and the representatives of the IRIS Center, an action plan with concrete goals has been laid out.
If we would like to be effective and get results, we need to obtain as much information as possible about the problems of employing the blind and partially sighted.
The next steps towards our goal are:
- to identify the dilemmas, fears and stereotypes that prevent the employment of the blind and partially sighted,
- to gather information about the knowledge that the blind have and
- to determine where and how their knowledge could be useful and ready to implement in different companies. Together with IRIS Center we have prepared a questionnaire that will help us establish why blind people are not employed and how can we better prepare them for the job market in the future. Please take 7 – 10 minutes of your time to answer the questions. Anonymity is ensured. Your help is highly appreciated!
Here are the common goals we set for work groups 1 and 2:
- Participation in the Career Fair for the blind and partially sighted
- Sponsoring work experience for a day
- To inform future employers about the knowledge and skills the blind and partially sighted have and how they can be of added value to their company
- To make a catalog of skills and knowledge of the blind (in order to demonstrate to employers the benefits of employing the blind)
- To provide as much work experience for the blind as possible
GOALS for work group 3: opening of a multipurpose facility which will provide an opportunity to gain work experience and to develop business ideas for the blind:
- YLC members will try to find as many options for the blind and partially sighted to acquire work experience and gain employment in the future
- To draw up a business plan for this multipurpose facility and/or to check the possibility of creating a social enterprise including a work incubator with an emphasis on entrepreneurship (shop, hostel, dinner in the dark)
If you are interested in participating in any of these three groups, please contact or call us at 051/363-363.
General Sponsor of iniciative Giving Back to the Community: