“My dear, you have to listen to as many smart people as possible and will in doing so certainly find lots of information and useful piece of advice, you must within you find the right vibe, set your goals, you must work hard and you will make your wishes come true”. The fact, that in reality a lot of things can be or become complicated and that it depends if the environment offers you opportunities or facilitate the realization of your goals or not, I chose to rather keep to myself. Still, she is only 14 years old… Having 3 kids personally I have a big motivation to create an environment, in which we would all, we and our children have opportunities. And if we wish that it would be so, we have to simplify certain things. We can start by simply listening…In last two months we had two AmCham Business Breakfasts with excellent guests speakers- top business leaders and European Ambassadors. Please check out AmCham Facebook profile and LIKE if you agree with their advices and thoughts.
However it is perfectly clear that it is necessary not only to simply listen but also to do something in the right direction. It is certainly clear to the business public and diplomacy, I nevertheless keep asking myself if it is clear also to certain other people, who are adult by their age, but it sometimes seems that they are not mature enough for one having a “serious” lunch with them…