Whether you or your colleagues have not joined our Committees yet, please do have a look if there are any topics you find interesting and within which you could with your knowledge and ideas contribute to our progress – it would be much appreciated. AmCham Slovenia is the voice of international business community that wishes to co-create and is in favor of co-creation. At the General Assembly which will be held on 6 June, 2012, at our American Chamber of Commerce, two new members of the Board of Governors will be elected. Each Member has according to Bylaws the opportunity and the right to stand as a candidate with the support of the Board of Governors or at least of 7 Members.
In case you think that with your opinions and knowledge you could contribute for the good of AmCham Slovenia, please thoroughly read the Bylaws about the conditions for candidacy and at the latest by 14 May notify our Executive Director to the following e-mail ajsa.vodnik@amcham.si.
I am looking forward to cooperate with you and meet you at our numerous events!
Yours sincerely,
Matej Potokar