en English

AmCham Slovenia is organizing a Business Development Delegation, with the support of the Slovenian public agency SPIRIT, with the aim of providing the participants of the Delegation insight into the thinking and work of leading development centers and corporations, and creating key platforms for digital transformation. The delegation also represents a good opportunity for the promotion and consolidation of the initiative “Slovenia – A Green Reference Country in Digital Europe”.

Following the visit of the Prime Minister to the USA last year, it is now representatives of the business sector taking the initiative to organize a Business Development Delegation, under the auspices of AmCham Slovenia. These companies are well aware of the impact of digital transformation and do not wish to miss the opportunities offered by the fourth industrial revolution. They are also aware what the consequences will be for those who will not follow and adapt to the changes or take a leading role. We are very proud that the President of the Republic of Slovenia, H. E. Borut Pahor and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Miro Cerar also support the Business Development Delegation. Part of the delegation will be led by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Administration, Boris Koprivnikar, who coordinates the government’s activities is the area of digital transformation, as part of the initiative “Slovenia – A Green Reference Country in Digital Europe”.

The main objectives of the Business Development Delegation to Silicon Valley, the global capital of innovative technologies and digital transformation, and meetings with the developers of the latest digital solutions are to gain new knowledge, skills and awareness regarding digital transformation, to follow new trends and to transfer new models to the Slovenian business environment. We believe that this is the path to increasing the competitiveness of Slovenian companies, to restructuring and improving the Slovenian economy and to improving the standard of living of the Slovenian population. Members of the delegation aim to build a better future for Slovenia and its economy, and believe this is the way forward. However, one needs to be aware that positive changes can only occur if business, science, the state (public administration) and civil society work together.

Besides the opportunity to transfer best practices and visit the world’s leading companies in the area of digital transformation, members of the Business Development Delegation, comprising representatives from 26 leading Slovenian companies and organizations from different industries, will be afforded a great opportunity to develop new partnerships. These partnerships will speed up the search for more effective solutions for implementing digital technologies in the Slovenian business environment and for developing a comprehensive digital ecosystem.

The visit to the USA will also facilitate the promotion and consolidation of the initiative “Slovenia – A Green Reference Country in Digital Europe”. Meetings with successful Slovenes in the USA are an excellent opportunity to strengthen the integration of Slovenes and the Slovenian consciousness across the globe. The visit will also be an opportunity to open ABC Global Home, a Slovenian accelerator and the first entirely European business accelerator in Silicon Valley.

You can find the booklet of this year's Slovenian Business Development Delegation here: Believe in Slovenia, a Green Reference Country in Digital Europe