The Members have on the first Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of AmCham Slovenia passed the strategical plan till the year of 2013. The Chamber will also in the future be involved in four principal fields: networking; argumentative influence for a better business environment in Slovenia; the AmCham Young Professionals Program and the international cooperation. They as well predicted the increase of number of members in 2012 per 10-12 % and in 2013 per 8-10 %, furthermore they particularly intend to focus on international business community. Members confirmed that the Chamber will be managed by a Board of seven Members, which will during this mandate be presided over by Matej Potokar, the Director of the Group for Microsoft Business Solutions within the regions of Middle and East Europe, whereas the other Board Members are: Vice-President Thierry Villard, Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires d.o.o.; Vice-President Jurij Giacomelli, M.Sc., Delo; Treasurer Nataša Jenčič, MSD and Governors Matjaž Rakovec, Zavarovalnica Triglav; Sandi Češko, Studio Moderna; Robert Trnovec, S&T. At the Board there are also the representative of the Embassy of the United States of America in Slovenia, Martin McDowell and the AmCham Slovenia Executive Director Ajša Vodnik, M.Sc.