May 18, 2015
American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia is for the second consecutive year organizing a visit of representatives of breakthrough companies in the United States. American Chamber of Commerce – AmCham Slovenia in cooperation with the Public Agency Spirit, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington, D.C. and local business partners in Colorado is preparing an intense program that focuses on a specific economic cooperation.
»The capital city of the State of Colorado, Denver is in addition to the exceptional economic development in recent years, the seat of the relevant federal agencies and institutions associated with the defense and aerospace industries, among them are Lockheed-Martin and Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Our delegation will visit Denver just in time for the World Trade Day. This event annually attracts about 400 businessmen from around the world. This time our own delegation will be included in business networking at the event, » said mag. Ajša Vodnik, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia.
Biotechnology, engineering, energetics, defense and space industries are sectors in the state of Colorado that represent a great development opportunity for Slovenian companies. The business delegation will, In addition to intense and planned business networking, also visit the Colorado State University. The host will be Dr. Ronald M. Sega, dean of systems engineering and former astronaut with Slovenian roots. When visiting the Colorado State University, Dr. Božo Cerar, the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in the U. S. will join them. The group will meet at the reception held by Lucky Vidmar, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Slovenia in Colorado, who is strongly linked to active Slovenian business community in Colorado.
Business trip to Colorado will take place between May 18 and 22, 2015. Supporters of the business delegation are Slovenian Embassy in Washington, D.C. and the Public Agency SPIRIT.
You can find the brochure on this link!