May 8, 2015
“Friday’s visit of renowned companies Boxmark Leather and Talum Group was particularly positive and inspiring. In one beautiful sunny afternoon we had the opportunity to gain a lot of practical advice and experience from the two flagship Slovenian companies. They can without doubt praise on achievements in Slovenian and foreign markets. We received top-notch reception by representatives of both companies, for which we can all be grateful. This was not only a visit and insight into their daily operations but rather an especially interactive discussion with the representatives. I believe that the greatest added value was the insight into their strategic thinking which enables them to position themselves in their respective competitive markets. “
– Nejc Komel, Technology Services Sales Professional, IBM
“Talum and Boxmark are proving that in Slovenia we know how to do it and we can do it. With creativity, innovations and collaboration they are defying to challenging environment and producing very competitive products. However the message that I took home with me was what chairman of Talum said: Its important to make decisions, the biggest mistake we make when we do not make decisions.”
– Luka Plešec, M.Pharm., Customer Meeting Services, Eli Lilly
“Excellent reception in both companies. Impressed by the size and organization. Relaxed socializing and networking.”
– Aleksander Baretić, Sales Manager Slovenia, Mars Overseas Holdings d.o.o.
“What amazed me the most on this trip, next to a great atmosphere among the members of 5th AmCham Young potential generation, was Talum’s Chairman of the Board, Mr. Marko Drobnič. His warmth, marathon like energy, vast knowledge and patience he took, while answering on our many questions, is really admirable, especially if we consider this was done in the late Friday afternoon.”
– Tomaž švajger, Sales manager for Red Bull, Roiss dva
“I was very excited about the visit of both companies. I find it fascinating to find two such big employers in a small place like Kidričevo. The story about the cooperation between Boxmark and Talum who produce totally different products but still managed to develop a product of high quality and top design together can be an inspiration also for other Slovene companies. Big thanks to AmCham for organizing, companies Boxmark and Talum for hosting us and president and member of the board of Talum for their time to openly answer all our questions.”
– Petra Janežič, SC Process Improvement Manager Sr., Danfoss Trata
“Seeing two companies working together on business opportunities is clear representation of great values both are living daily – Cooperation, Engagement, Customer focus and thinking »outside the box«. Great stories from Boxmark and Talum inspired us!”
– Jerica Budič, Supply Chain Director Commercial Controls – Heating Segment, Danfoss Trata