en English

The team of 9th Generation of AmCham Young Professionals, participants at the AmCham Young Weekend, built bold models of challenges and solutions on 5 themes, which Snowball 2.0 (Center of Optimism) identified as the key for building a country prototype that would be encouraging for talents in Slovenia.

At the two-day workshop we addressed challenges together with the participants of the 9th generation AmCham Young Professionals in a game by constructing solutions using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method. Within each team, we wished to connect and be open for new ideas by searching for our common denominators. We were building models of challenges and solutions fort he following topics: education system, employment and labour market, economic policy, procedures and regulations, state, quality of life, values and security. On Saturday, we switched to a balance in business life, with 'Energy Management Workshop'.

More about the models that young talents have come up with, will be revealed in the coming weeks.




»Young weekend was great! The Lego Workshop showed us how individuals from different fields and with different experiences can together create something really good. We also created a party that made us even more connected.«

Ane Čepar, LanguageSitter


»Lego cubes are alredy on the shopping list – they will be used in planning and process discussions.«

Tina Starič, Merkur


AmCham Heroes