Dear runners,
We have began with trainings and for Tuesdays you have two possibilities:
– first, at 7.30 p.m. you can join PILATES group at Osnovna šola Livada ( Primary School) , small gym room, Ulica Dušana Kraigerja 2. Pilates trainings will be held every Tuesday from April 6th on.
– second, you can join BODY BURN group at 7.30 at BIC – Biotehnološki izobraževalni center Ljubljana/Educational Centre of Biotehnology Ljubljana, Ižanska cesta. This is the same building where we had our first meeting last week. Body Burn trainings will be held in dance room – plesna dvorana. Body Burn trainings will be held every Tuesday from April 6th on.
On Thursday April 8th we shall start with running outside at sports stadium Žak at 7.00 p.m.. Stadium Žak is on Milčinskega
For more information: