Tax Committee in 2010
Members prepared proposals on five different topics on tax area. These proposals were introduced to Mrs. Mateja Vraničar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance on 15 September 2010. The representatives from the Ministry of Finance thanked AmCham representatives sincerely for the propositions prepared and accentuated their willingness for dialogue.
On 23 September 2010 chairs of the following Committees: Tax, Labor and Public Procurement met with the representatives of the US Embassy in Ljubljana. The purpose of this meeting was to prepare a Position Paper for the Prime Minister with 4 issues: Tax, Labor, Public Procurement and FDI.
The Position Paper – that was written just to give a few suggestions for the improvement within Slovene business and investment environment – was given to him on 5 November 2010 by Tomaž Lovše, President of AmCham Slovenia and Bradley Freden, Charge d´Affairs a.i. at the US Embassy in Ljubljana. The Prime Minister stimulated further dialogue in order to embody the proposed changes in a concrete form.
Labor Committee in 2010
Labor Committee prepared 16 proposals for changes in the ERA – Employment Relationships Act and related legislation. These proposals were introduced to Mr. Peter Pogačar, Director General of the Labor and Labor Rights Directorate at the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Affairs on 23 March 2010.
Proposals were than implemented into the Position Paper for the Prime Minister.
Public Procurement Committee in 2010
Representatives of this Committee and Executive Director of AmCham met with Mrs. Miranda Groff Ferjančič at the Ministry of Finance on 16 March 2010 and introduced her with some proposals and comment regarding Public Procurement Act – ZJN-2B. Some of these proposals and new were implemented into the Position Paper for the Prime Minister.
All AmCham Committees will continue with their successful work further on.