en English


Tax Committee prepared Position Paper – Proposals for the change of legislation in the taxation area. The Paper covers five topics:

1. Introduction of a postponed accounting system for import of goods

2. Introduction of advance pricing agreements

3. Deductibility of interest following a merger

4. The reduction of administrative burden in relation to correction of the VAT charged

5. Proposal of the amendment of legislation in the area of personal taxes

Tax Committee believe that these changes would be of special relevance and interest of all foreign and Slovene owned companies as they would ease their business operations in Slovenia.

Position Paper was sent to the Mateja Vraničar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance and to the Minister.


Focus of this Committee at the moment is recently accepted amendment on Subcontractor Regulation Problematic – Uredba o obveznih neposrednih plačilih podizvajalcem pri javnem naročanju.

Committee with its chair Andrej Drapal agreed to gather forces also with other associations to prepare comments and proposals in order to identify solution.

LABOR COMMITTEE, ENVIRONMENT WORKING GROUP and CSR WORKING GROUP will continue with their work and projects after the summer holidays.