Thursday, 4 April 2013, hotel Slon, Ljubljana
»Today, We Have It All. The Only Problem Can Be In Us Only«!
(Japec Jakopin)
Top, prominent Slovenian and foreign guests discussed the interesting topic entitled “Intellectual creation and Innovativeness Can Be an Advantage of Slovenia” at the today`s AmCham Business Breakfast and searched for answers to the following issues: How to proceed from invention to innovation and consequently to business opportunities? How to lead top-level scientific discoveries into a successful business? Are we aware of the importance of the intellectual property?Are the knowledge and the achievements of Slovenian experts used sufficiently? What kind of environment do we need for the breakthrough of innovativeness? Is this an opportunity for Slovenia?
The AmCham Round Table guests were distinguished experts with exceptional global business experiences:
Boštjan Bregar, co-owner and CEO, Marg, a visionary entrepreneur, successfully expanding his business with help of investments from abroad
Dr Japec Jakopin, co-founder and co-owner, Seaway Group, cardiologist, yacht designer and patent owner
mag. Mateja Dermastia, Managing Director, PoliMat Center of Excellence, with more than 20 years of experience in the field of clustering and cooperation of economy with scientific and research spheres
Dr Frank L. Douglas, President & CEO, Austen BioInnovation Institute, lecturer at MIT and multiple award-winning expert in the fields of research, development, entrepreneurship, medicine, chemistry and other
Dr Zev Gurion, Executive Director, Akron BioMedical Corridor, with a wide range of experience at multinational companies, start-ups and smaller businesses as well as with business incubators
Anže Manfreda, Global Innovation Platform Leader – new business models, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Europe
The round table was excellently led by Jaka Repanšek, MBA, Co Chair of the AmCham Commission on Intellectual Property.
»Cooperation Brings Life to Innovations«
Dr Zev Gurion, Executive Director, Akron BioMedical Corridor, with rich experiences at multinational companies, start-ups and smaller companies and with business incubators, introduced us with an interesting business and social success story of Akron, Ohio, USA and said that the transformation of their companies is above all due to a thorough transformation of mindset of an individual as well of the entire society. »Changing the mindset is a long-term initiative. Changing the culture is a matter of generations – transformation can not happen overnight. The companies were transformed from unsuccessful branches and we have with a strong vision of the new generation reached a new, more prosperous economy. It could be achieved only with the cooperation of the business community and the state. Cooperation brings life to innovations«, pointed out from own experiences Dr Zev Gurion.
As an observer, he sees many educated and very smart people in Slovenia, however believes that it is characteristic, yet not very helpful for Slovenians that they tend to resort to the comfort zone, are too calm, without ambitions and without internal restless spirit of exploration. In his comparison of Slovenia with Israel, he sees a lot of similarities between the two countries, yet points out the significant difference and advantage of Israel as they are much more motivated for the »Break Out« (break point) and for searching new opportunities. In any case, in his opinion crucial for the long-term development of the society lies predominantly in the system of values that the society develops and stresses – especially to the children and to the young people.
»It Is Important That as Ordinary Citizens We Ourselves Do all that is Necessary«
Dr Frank L. Douglas, President & CEO, Austen BioInnovation Institute, lecturer at MIT and multiple award-winning expert in the fields of research, development, entrepreneurship, medicine, chemistry and many other, firmly emphasized that we all urgently need recognition and confirmation that everything is of equal importance – both science and research institutions as well business environment. »We live in a society in which we must be convinced that we will be able to create new jobs, and furthermore to be sure that we are can and know how to commercialize research products, as only in this way we will be able to provide new opportunities and new working posts. The story of MIT is a powerful one. It is said that it is completely different – as we inside MIT establish centers for professors, where they can pass their research results into real life and in new products. This is essential, it is the key to the development«, was convincing Dr Frank L. Douglas.
He believes that the cooperation between the academic and commercial spheres is of crucial importance and presented us with some of his findings from his lessons for which he suggests we should act in accordance with:
1. Sense of urgency
2. Orientation to problem solving
3. Finding role models and good practices
4. Citizens by themselves look for solutions to their problems
»Leadership is important, yet it is more important that we, as ordinary citizens do what is necessary by ourselves and not only pay attention what leaders do«, is convinced Dr Douglas.
Young People Should Be Shown That There Are Many Business Opportunities on Global Market
mag. Mateja Dermastia, Managing Director, PoliMat Center of Excellence, with more than 20 years of experience in the field of clustering and cooperation of economy with scientific and research spheres, said that they have in their Center of Excellence Polimat the financial resources and opportunities for attracting excellent researchers to connect and operate in the Center. She believes that we altogether need to stimulate the young people by showing them that there are many business opportunities on global market. »We need skilled mentors for the young – both domestic and foreign, that will provide them with a strong support, motivation and passed own knowledge and experiences on them. In our Center, we offer young people a possibility to go to Akron and encourage them to establish their own enterprises. However it is very important also to know how to afterwards attract these young people to return back to Slovenia. We found out that it is possible predominantly by establishing such centers of excellence«, expressed her views on the future and development of society mag. Mateja Dermastia.
»We need a clear vision, a first step, determination and bravery. Do not wait for others. It will eventually progress by itself – we get the necessary support and motivation of other people and institutions. We received a great support in Akron and at global networking by Slovenian Embassy in the USA«, said mag. Dermastia.
»The Only Problem Can Be In Us Only«!
Dr Japec Jakopin, co-founder and co-owner, Seaway Group, cardiologist, yacht designer and patent owner, leading expert in his field, said that behind the success story of Seaway is a powerful team of people from 15 countries, who can by maintaining their individuality and cultural features contribute a decisive dose of creativity, which is essential for their development, success and recognizability. He believes that we as a small country do not have 1000 economic opportunities, but probably only a few, namely:
1. High-tech companies that create new products and thus new jobs
2. Tourism
»If we want to be recognized and to develop, we above all need a change of mind. Since we derive from a communist state, we are used to that the state (or anyone else) will take care of us. But, we are the ones who have to take care of ourselves, our families and – our country. We also need to change the mindset denoting that the entrepreneur is not a »good guy«, a positive person. Namely, the entrepreneurs still hold such negative etiquette and are thus confronted with incomprehension as well their success with disapproval in society. If we change it, we will be able to elicit innovativeness from people«, is convinced Dr Japec Jakopin.
His determined and very direct statements were greeted with a loud applause of the AmCham Business Breakfast participants: » it is a »bull shit« that we are in the biggest crisis! Only those who do not know and do not understand the true nature of business opportunities can claim this! We have never before had so many opportunities as we have TODAY! Remember – in our recent history we did not have so many information, we could not cross the state borders, there were many restrictions – both commercial, business as well social. Today we have it all! The only problem can be in us only«, was convincing Dr Japec Jakopin.
»Foreigners do not expect much when they arrive to Slovenia and get a lot – that is why they are so fascinated with us. This means that Slovenia does not have its brand and recognizability sufficiently and well conceived. We have to improve that. We have lots of talented people, but do not know how to connect them. My energy and efforts are therefore focused exactly on integration, with which we will be able to create something interesting for this world. There is a huge global market in front of us, consisting of 7 billion people and their needs – which means a lot of new opportunities, development of new technologies that bring new products and services we need«, added Dr Jakopin.
»We Have the »Ticket to the Game«
Anže Manfreda, MBA, Global Innovation Platform Leader – new business models, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Europe, said that their company is very successful in making tires, however they found out that in order to grow and develop they have to make a step ahead from merely the tire production. They made some researches of various business models and introduced some innovative projects they carry out with the right partners. He revealed an interesting experience and his views compared to the strictly protected and closed systems and development centers within for instance their R&D Center in Akron, USA and another similar center, he visited, that was open, transparent – even towards their competition, which is unusual for most businesses. His attention was attracted by their motto: »We know that we can not do anything alone, therefore we need to open. And if we want to open, we have to develop a certain level of confidence. And if you want to develop trust, we first have to learn how to trust ourselves. I wish this formula would be transferred to Slovenia and to our society«, Anže Manfreda offered a simple and effective solution. He also notes that Slovenian companies have to prove themselves much more on global market, as there is no »brand« of the state, such as for instance France, USA and Germany. However, he believes that we have the »ticket to the game« and have to learn how to build our recognizability. »A lot of it depends also on personal connections, as, we people do business«, believes Manfreda.
Everything Is a Matter Of Active Operation
Boštjan Bregar, co-owner and CEO, Marg, a visionary entrepreneur, successfully expanding his business with help of investments from abroad, pointed out that we have many funds in Slovenia and that there are considerable amounts on offer, but we don’t know or manage to profit from them to a sufficient extent. He expressed his dissatisfaction over the fact, that we have a wonderful country and innumerable possibilities for success – but we do not do anything. »We talk too much – and do too little. We have to open up. We have to cooperate. We have to communicate. As a coach I help other people to gain and keep their vision. We need such mentors. Everything is a matter of active operation. And it is important to make the first step”, was clear Bregar.
To the question raised by Jaka Repanšek, how he sees Slovenia after 20 years, he replied that it is more important to ask oneself what will be done already the next day than 20 years from now.
He set out the advice by Jeff Hoffman, who visited Slovenia that we should choose the best among us and give them the best teachers from the region and the world, so that they will be able to guide the economy and the country to the path of progress. He reminded the media of their responsibility to stress these personalities as example to others and to present them on the covers of newspapers, for it is what Slovenia needs the most at the present.