Jason is Partner in Deloitte responsible for the Enterprise Risk Service practice in Vienna, Austria. He leads a team of risk advisory professionals in a middle market region comprised of various industry sectors. His teams deliver assurance projects focused on increasing shareholder/stakeholder value. He has led Enterprise and IT risk assessment projects for companies of all sizes, for various purposes including pre- or post-acquisition due diligence, Enterprise Risk Management, Internal Audit, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
One’s ability to present effectively in front of a group is known to increase one’s leadership, career opportunities, and influence with others.
Some key points from Jason’s passionate presentation:
»Be vulnerable when you introduce yourself- it’s easier to connect!«
»Live away from the comfort zone to become a good presenter. It’s easy not do it but the benefits are absolutely amazing.«
»Living outside your comfort zone is like a muscle- you have to use it to have it! Immerse yourself to practice. Practice comfort zone challenges.«
»Learn what is your dream career.«
»Have the mindset that presenting is a game. Games teach us to be outcome neutral.«
»Life gets better when we get better!«