Exclusive gathering with coffee and conversation with an exceptional motivational speaker – Devon Harris, guest of the IBM Conference KEY TO SOLUTION – Changes for the Better.
Strategist. Olympian. The Captain of the first Jamaican Bobsled Team. Founder of the Keep on pushing Foundation. Author of the famous phrase »I am feeling very Olympic today!«.
2nd Meeting of AmCham Young Professionals TM will be an exclusive gathering with coffee and conversation with an exceptional motivational speaker –
Devon Harris, guest of the IBM Conference KEY TO SOLUTION – Changes for the Better. Here and now!
In continuation two evening lectures by world-class guests, Josephine Green – New Perception for the New Era and Devon Harris – Stand by your plan and go on!, will follow.
A special thank goes to the Company IBM Slovenia, which with its friendly gesture recognized and confirmed the significance of importance of investing in young future business leaders.