CARDIAL d.o.o., Specialist Outpatient Medical Centre, is offering a 10% discount to the AmCham Slovenia members for manager medical examinations and all other additional checkups as an outpatient treatment. More information about manager medical examinations and additional checkups may be seen on the following web page: The presentation may be upon your wish sent to your address as well.
The manager medical examinations are carried out in one turn. Whereas the endoscopic examinations within gastroenterology practice require an appointment in advance.
A thorough consultation with the doctor follows each manager medical examination, as the diagnoses and the expert conclusive opinion will be sent by post shortly afterwards. If requested, a medical certificate about the working abilities may be sent to the company´s headquarters. The account should be read as »Extended preventive examination« and does not incur an advantage.
The outpatient clinic Cardial is located on the ground floor of a renovated Dvorec Sela at Zaloška cesta
For all information, examination terms or other, please inquire at the following contacts:
telephone: 01/ 548 40 80 or
mobile: 041 639 124 or 041 779 057
fax: 01/ 548 40 81