4 June 2015, Ljubljana
Slovenian conference on digital communications DIGGIT will for the fourth time in a row host numerous experts and practitioners. DIGGIT will take place on Thursday, 4 June 2015 in Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana. Slovenian agencies and businesses will once again compete for 18 golden and 4 great DIGGIT prizes.
On this fourth DIGGIT conference we will devote ourselves to the current state of digital Slovenian and European digital market, integration of digital business, digital creativity, mobile marketing and successful local digital stories. The program will be enriched with foreign quest speakers, among whom will be Pawel Kolenda, IAB Poland, Scott Thawaites, Twitter, Gerhard Guenther, Digitalsunray Media, John Bain or TotalBiscuit and Kevin Dent, a strategic consultant in the field of video games.
AmCham members can use an additional 10% discount when registering.
You can find additional information on our Slovenian site and on www.diggit.si
4. Diggit v okviru glavnega programa ponuja sedem predavanj s priznanimi domačimi in tujimi strokovnjaki ter štiri okrogle mize, kjer bo o trendih in izkušnjah govorilo štirinajst izkušenih praktikov in trije najstniki. V vsebinsko bogatem vzporednem programu se bodo govorci posvetili izboljšavam na področju uspešnosti inovacij, ustvarjanju relevantne vsebine na področju farmacevtske stroke in receptu za oživitev blagovne znamke.
Na fotografiji (od leve proti desni): Zenel Batagelj, partner v raziskovalni družbi Valicon, Matjaž Butara, direktor digitalnega komuniciranje v agenciji Grey Ljubljana, Elena Aleksandrova, regionalna vodja za oskrbo potrošnikov za regijo Alpe Adria pri Bayer HealthCare, Urban Pfeifer, strokovnjak za razvoj spletnih rešitev v podjetju TSmedia.