The AmCham Corporate Ethics and Transparency Working Group kindly invites you on the occasion of the International Day against Corruption to a Panel Discussion entitled Conflicts of Interests – Risks and Management,
which will be held on Monday, 9 December, 2013, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the IBM Innovation Center, Kristalna palača, BTC, Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana.
The opening address will be given by dr. Gregor Virant, Minister of the Interior and Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Panel Discussion Keynote Speakers will be:
dr. Gregor Virant, Minister of the Interior and Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
mag. Goran Klemenčič, Commission for the Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Slovenia
Aleš Avbreht, Avbreht, Zajc and Partners Law Firm and Co-Chair to the AmCham Public Procurement Committee
Michele Leonardi, IBM Slovenija d.o.o. and Co-Chair to the AmCham Corporate Ethics and Transparency Working Group
Mateja Modic, Internal Audit Service at the Ministty of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia.
The guest speakers will at the AmCham Professionals Up-Date discuss the following topics:
The International Day against Corruption (9 December 2013); Corporate Ethics and Transparency; Transfer of Good Practices from the Economy to Public Administration, Business Ethics, Corporate Ethics, Personal Ethics as an opposite, Ethics in Public Companies and in Private Companies, Profit as opposed to Ethics, Crisis as a Factor that Prevents Ethical Conduct, Conflict of Interests – Risks and Management.
The moderator of the panel discussion will be Mojca Međedović, CFE, Manager Forensic Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers who will as well raise very direct questions related to the smallness of the economic and political environment and to all the risks brought by the specifics of the Slovenian territory.
You are kindly requested to confirm your participation at the latest by Friday, 6 December, 2013 to the following e-mail –
The number of places is limited. The AmCham Members and the Members of AmCham Committees have priority.