en English


Dear AmCham Slovenia members and friends.

Positive changes and shifts in society require dialogue and cooperation among representatives of the State, the business sector, and civil society. We are pleased to invite you to the Combo AmCham Business Breakfast.


Dialogue with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia

Janez Janša

Mag. Ajša Vodnik, CEO of AmCham Slovenia, Vice-chair of AmChams in Europe, and mag. Blaž Brodnjak, President of AmCham Slovenia, will present AmCham Slovenia's business community views and key proposals of eight AmCham working Committees.


The discussion will be moderated by Nevenka Črešnar Pergar, Chair of the AmCham Investment Committee, and partner, NP Consulting.


You can attend the event either live on-site (for a limited number of attendees) or online through the virtual platform Zoom. Whatever your choice, confirmation of your attendance is mandatory.


The event will be held in Slovenian, with simultaneous translation into English.

Partner of the Combo AmCham Business Breakfast:

Participation at the combo AmCham Business Breakfast is free-of-charge for AmCham Members. Due to the health restrictions, the number of seats on-site is limited. 

For more  information, go to www.amcham.si  or contact business@amcham.si