Our guest minister Žarnić talked about work and plans for the future of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. What are the possibilities for exploitation of natural resources of energy in Slovenia. We cannot talk about solar and wind exploitation, our real possibilities are waters.
He also spoke about Cohesion funds and how we can expect quite a lot of funding in the period 2007-2013. Their priorities are the setup of waste management, drinking-water supply project, projects dealing with the implementation of sewage network and flood-relief works. Other important activities of the Ministry, of significant importance especially for companies are the environmental licensees. They play an important role in supporting the development and implementation of green technologies in Slovenia. Business, however, strives also for a better cooperation in introducing projects of Public Private Partnership.
AmCham Environment Working Group had come to an agreement with Minister Žarnić that they will put concrete propositions into Position paper for advancement of work of Ministry and for maintaining better and more productive relationship between the business public and the Ministry.
Special thanks goes to our sponsor: Banka Volksbank d.o.o.