So (how to…) Do It (better?)!
Compass – how to communicate, relate, engage, & motivate.
From business and life relationships and interactions we see that with some people we just ''click'' – finishing each other’s sentences so to say – while with others, we don’t! We try, and try, and try and we know we have already tried ''everything'' but still cannot get the other person to understand us, and at the same time we don’t get them either. At AmCham Young Professionals next meeting we will seek for answers to why we don’t ''click''.
You will gain:
- Techniques and approaches on how to ''click'' with the ''un-clickable'' colleague, co-worker, costumer or boss;
- Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI®) compass – how to communicate, relate, engage & motivate.
Our coach will be Sebastian Radetić Car from StepUp3, economist by profession and personal growth enthusiast by heart. Sebastian is a consultant, trainer, and coach, working on personal development & business development projects and training. In recent years he has worked with more than 2500+ individuals on their sales, communication, relationship, & management skills, and have helped organizations in Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, & Albania achieve their personal, educational, & business goals. Sebastian is a certified coach for SDI – Strength Deployment Inventory(R) interpretation tool. For Sebastian it comes down to adding value to customers, partners, friends, and loved ones.
When and where?
February 15, 2018
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.,
Kristalna palača (BTC) – 2nd floor, Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana.
Invitation applies to 8th generation of AmCham Young ProfessionalsTM. Please confirm your attendance. If you are unable to attend the event, please send a message to
Register here:
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