en English

Stand Out and Own The Room! Communication Training

Have you ever experienced stage fright before giving an important presentation? Have you ever prepared a good presentation but your audience kept reaching for their mobile phones? Do you simply wish to become a more influential, more persuasive, and effective speaker? The Own The Room public speaking sessions are no ordinary classes. Prepare to enter a communication boot camp where you will constantly be on your toes, work in pairs or small groups, and have numerous opportunities to put into practice the theoretical techniques you will gain in the course – in front of a live audience: your coworkers. You will be surprised at your potential and at the fun that comes with it! 

You will gain:

  • a shortcut for controlling stage fright;
  • 8 techniques for gaining and maintaining the attention of your audience;
  • a structure of an effective elevator pitch.


Martina Merslavič, trainer and Own The Room Adriatic Region Lead will be our communication coach.

When and where?

November 29, 2017, 

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.,

Kristalna palača (BTC) – 2nd floor, Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana.

Invitation applies to 8th generation of AmCham Young ProfessionalsTM. Please confirm your attendance. If you are unable to attend the event, please send a message to young@amcham.si.

Register here:

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