Psychology of Success – The Power of Competences
The latest report on research ˝The future of the jobs˝ by World economic forum, reveals how will the skills and competences demand will change until 2022:
The workshop is aimed at understanding the importance of transforming motivation into metamotivation & communication into meta communication.
Workshop agenda:
- Secrets of the mind & four focuses of learning
- Emotional intelligence and its impact on human capital in the company
- Focus on observation & reduce interruptions in communication
Liljana Cvjetičanin, dipl. psih., kinetic in graphologist
Is a lecturer, wanting to share her enthusiasm and perspective on sales, leadership and personal growth, with individuals who believe that there are new challenges in sales and are willing to upgrade their approach to motivating customers and employees. In the time of digitalization Mrs. Cvjetičanin, is a coach for personal growth, teambuilding and above all for self esteem and self initiative. Mrs. Cvjetičanin has been working for more then 25 years on studying the human on individual and social level. The lectures are an experience full of theoretical and practical knowledge. For large companies and financial institutions she has been preparing several analysis, individual coaching programs and motivational programs all ending with an actual improvement. In the last 7 years she has been successfully lecturing in many financial institutions and banking systems in Slovenia, where she managed to increased sales, motivation and leadership.
When and where?
October 9, 2019
5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.,
Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, Ljubljana.
Register here:
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