'Leadership Voyage' with Tomaž Berločnik, MSc
At our official kick off meeting we will have the pleasure to talk to Tomaž Berločnik, MSc, Avantcar. We will talk about leadership challenges in the recent era, what happens when fear comes to the desks of world leaders, who are authentic leaders and how do they manage people, business, and work-life balance. Ajša Vodnik, MSc, CEO, AmCham Slovenia and Vice President, AmChams in Europe will be talking to Tomaž Berločnik.
Tomaž Berločnik, MSc, is an exceptional business leader, he holds a university degree in mechanical engineering and a Masters in economic sciences. His business path started in his college years while attending The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ljubljana where he and his friends established a company called RVS d.o.o. (Informatics in Mechanical Engineering). After he had finished his studies he joined the Fund for Development of the Republic of Slovenia as a Project Manager for the reorganization of companies. He was later Chairman of the Management Board of Donit Tesnit d.d., Chairman of the Management Board of Istrabenz d.d., CEO and President of the Management Board at Petrol d.d. Tomaž Berločnik was named Manager of the year 2019 by the Manager's Association of Slovenia.
Improvement and development of management in Slovenia is crucial in every company’s efficiency and success. What we need is an open dialogue that will enable a faster and more successful transfer of good practices and especially practical knowledge.
You can attend the event on site or online through the virtual platform Zoom. Please confirm your participation with a click on one of the buttons below: ON SITE or ZOOM.
Registrations are open for the 11th Generation of AmCham Young Professionals only. Confirmation of your attendance will help us organize the event, let me know if you will not be able to make it at tonja.avsenik@amcham.si.
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