At AmCham Slovenia, we have set the culture of dialogue as the central theme and governing principle of our work for 2022. However, a good three months into the year, it seems that society is not heading in the right direction, neither globally nor in Slovenia.
In a narrow circle of selected guests from the field of business, we will gather and speak openly about the importance of communication in the economy, politics, and international relations.
Our challenger is going to be Dr. Dejan Verčič, Professor, Chair of Marketing Communications and Public Relations, Centre for Marketing and Public Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, and partner at Herman & Partners. Mr. Verčič is one of the most cited researchers of global public relations.
You are kindly invited to join us at the AmCham Business Leaders Club Business Lunch on Thursday, April 21, 2022, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
More information contact, +386 8 205 13 50.