en English

AmCham Slovenia cordially invites you to AmCham Business Breakfast:

Quo vadis, Europe?* 

What Lies Ahead for the European Union and the European Economy in the Next Five Years? 

*Where are you going, Europe?

Join us on Thursday, May 9, 2019, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana, Dunajska cesta 154, Ljubljana.

Our guests will be:

Dr. Igor Šoltes, lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Demokratska stranka upokojencev Slovenije (DeSUS) 

Irena Joveva, lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Lista Marjana Šarca (LMŠ)

Dr. Žiga Turk, candidate for the European Parliament elections, Nova Slovenija (NSi) 

Dr. Angelika Mlinar, lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Stranka Alenke Bratušek (SAB)

Mag. Tanja Fajon, lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Socialni demokrati (SD) 

Dr. Milan Zver, lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Slovenska demokratska stranka and Slovenska ljudska stranka (SDS + SLS) 

Gregor Perič, lead candidate for the European Parliament elections, Stranka modernega centra (SMC)

We have invited all the lead candidates for the European Parliament elections from the parliamentary parties, who are competing for the eight Slovenian seats in the European Parliament, to a debate.


What challenges lie ahead for the European Union in the next five years?

How can we adequately prepare the European Union and its economy for the future?

What partnerships should the European Union make?

Martina Merslavič, trainer and Own The Room Adriatic Region Lead, will speak to the attendees about the future of the European Union.


Participation at AmCham Business Breakfasts

Participation at AmCham Business Breakfasts is free-of-charge for AmCham Members. However, please note that the following rule applies: free-of-charge participation is valid for up to three persons from Patron member category, up to two persons from Corporate category, one person from Entrepreneur category, for non-profit category there is one seat reserved at 5 AmCham Business Breakfast in the current year. For everyone else, it is good for one person. For additional participants/members, the participation fee amounts to a 50% discounted participation fee; i.e. 25 EUR+VAT, whereas for non-members the participation fee amounts to 50 EUR+VAT. Exceptions are Ambassadors, Deputy Chiefs of Mission and Public Administration Employees. Reservation cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the event. Unfortunately, we will have to charge the whole participation fee for no-shows.